Australian Folk Tunes Galore
Australian Folk Tunes: play at sessions as below (Tel. Denise on 0402 050 524) and gradually
develop the skills (i) to play tunes from memory and (ii) to follow other players by ear: -
For fiddlers and melody string players, every Monday evening, The Fireside Fiddlers' session.
Playbacks and recordings: many tunes listed below have playbacks for learning whilst others have live recordings.
We suggest: (a) listen to the audio file playback to get the idea of the tune, (b) play along with the sound at the lowest speed provided,
(c) use the score only when you can't identify a note.
Alphabetical Index - Sixteen hundred entries that are compiled from the following lists
Begged, Borrowed And Stolen (BBS) - Ninety-eight (98) recordings
Billabong Gigs (BBG):- Recent gigs and their programmes
Billabong Dance Music (BBD):- One hundred and twenty-one (121) dance music sets
Busking (BSK):- Busking, Railway Avenue, Ringwood East, Saturday mornings, 11 am
Children's Folk Dance, Music and Song (CFD):- Ten (10) items in a programme - tunes have playbacks
Fireside Fiddlers (FF):-
Two hundred and twelve (212) pieces, usually with slowed playbacks at several speeds for learning the notes and also some recordings by players
at their chosen tempo
Free Reed Workshop (FRW):- Four (4) tutorials
Harry's Favourites - A selection of collected and composed Australian tunes to challenge the
myth of Australian folk music that, "It ALL came from Ireland!"
Some tunes did indeed so come before the Australian folk music revival of the 1950s,
but only some. In this list of Harry's favourites there are one hundred and fifty years of
folk music immigrating here mainly from Britain, middle Europe, and the USA together with quite a few wonderful examples from elsewhere,
to say nothing of those many that we've composed ourselves, both indigenous and since white settlement
Monthly First Thursday Session Songs and Tunes (MFT) - New list
Other Traditions (OTH):- Twenty-one (21) tunes from eight (8) countries
Ringwood Folk Club Session Tunes (RFC):- Five hundred and forty-six (546) of these items are accessible to Club sessioners via a password. Ask Harry at a session
Settlers (SET) - Five hundred and six (506) Australian-collected tunes from the National Folk Festival
Settlers series compiled by Ray Mulligan from 2006 onwards, all with live recordings by Greg O'Leary
Songs (SNG):- Fifty-seven (57) songs
Ukulele Workshop (UKW):- Twelve (12) tutorials and or tunes
Files arranged by HG 29/03/17
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