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VFMC — Fireside Fiddlers

Australian Folk Tunes Galore

  Australian Folk Tunes: play at sessions as below (Tel. Denise on 0402 050 524) and gradually develop the skills (i) to play tunes from memory and (ii) to follow other players by ear: -

  • For fiddlers and melody string players, every Monday evening, The Fireside Fiddlers' session.
  • Playbacks and recordings: many tunes listed below have playbacks for learning whilst others have live recordings. We suggest: (a) listen to the audio file playback to get the idea of the tune, (b) play along with the sound at the lowest speed provided, (c) use the score only when you can't identify a note.

    Busking in Ringwood East

    Alphabetical Index - Sixteen hundred entries that are compiled from the following lists

    Files arranged by HG 29/03/17

    List by Title List by Composer List by State